I'm originally from NYC, so being to show off all my hard work in my hometown and in such a monumental way was truly a blessing. Not only was I able to showcase my upcoming collection, but I was also able to network with other designers, photographers and models from all over the world.
People kept asking if I was nervous and I kept telling them NO! Being a designer, specifically for swimsuits, has always been a dream of mine. Once you realize you have the power to do anything, it's really up to you to execute! I fell flat on my face a few times, made bad deals with bad businessmen, had many sleepless nights and spent tons of money. However, I turned every negative into a positive by learning from each mistake and NEVER giving up. That would've been too easy! In the end it was well worth it!
I'm a planner and I like to be well-prepared. I was so busy the day of the show, I never got to see my own models walk! Some models walked out of turn, some didn't get to walk at all. Although the behind the scenes was a little crazy, it was well worth it and I'd definitely do it again! Simply grateful for the opportunity and for all the fans of Lure Swim. NYFW was truly an experience I'll never forget.